Chaeron Corporation
Enterprise System Solutions


Software Downloads

Perl Source Code Obfuscator: Shroud+

We've extended Robert Jones' Shroud Perl source obfuscator script with new features and capabilities. Documentation on Shroud+ is in POD format in the source code for the new version.

Shroud+ provides the following new features over and above the original Shroud script functionality:

    • Specification of input/output directories
    • Writing of progress info to STDOUT
    • Obfuscation of internal subroutine names (those beginning with an underscore "_" character).
    • Optionally obfuscate public subroutine names if the input is a perl Module (.pm file) AND if you specify that an externalmap should be created.
    • For scripts (not .pm modules ) it will optionally take an externalmap file and use this to rename subroutine calls to be consistent with the Perl Module that was used to create the externalmap file.
    • Replacement of 'use constants' definitions with capitalized shrouded identifiers
    • Replace object-oriented attributes that take the for '$self->{ "_attr" } = "something";' and that are found inside a constructor (sub new).
    • removal of tabs and condensing of multiple spaces
    • removal of newlines
    • POD updated to reflect the above and more bugs/features/caveats noted.

Click on the filename to download the Shroud+ script         6K               - Shroud+ script

GPS (Global Positioning System) Java Access Library:

Our GPS software and other related location/position-enabling technology has moved to the GPS page.

Sun JMQ (Java Message Queue) White Papers:

Sun Microsystems has posted the JMQ (Java Message Queue) White Paper on JMQ Router Deployment Topologies online.  Chaeron Consulting wrote this white paper for the Sun JMQ development team.  Chaeron is also working on other JMQ White Papers for Sun Microsystems.  The JMQ Router Deployment Topologies white paper can be found in the following formats:   PDF

JavaWorld Code Masters Competition Challenge 1 entry (The Game of Life):

This implementation of the Game of Life was developed for and entered in the recent JavaWorld Code Masters Competition Challenge1. It makes extensive use of the Java 2D API facilties (especially Affine Transforms).  It is a very flexible version of the game that is primarily controlled through the use of .properties files. It can play virtually any grid-based game, including the JavaWorld Challenge 1 Triangles game, with the creation of the appropriate definitions in properties files.  Full source code, executables, javadoc, sample games and images are included in the distribution.  Try the included Escher game for a good example of what this version of the game can do.  Instructions can be found in the included readme.txt file.

     life101.jar         100K                            - Game of Life, version 1.01


The current EJB 1.2 Specification does not make any provision for Asynchronous invocation of bean methods.  The EJBAsync proposal and specification tries to address this oversight with a comprehensive set of recommendations, design ideas and actual code samples.

If you make any useful changes or additions to EJBAsync, please email copies back to the author so that they can be incorporated in the official EJBAsync distribution. Credit for such additions will be retained in the source and the archive.

Click on the archive filename to download EJBAsync.  Comprehensive Specifications, Source code and JavaDocs are included with this release!         79K               - EJBAsync Version 1.2 Proposal & Specification


EJBUtil is a collection of useful classes and object for use with Enterprise Java Beans.  A lot of EJB developers have decried the lack of polymorphism for EJBHome objects. The EJBUtil collection includes an EJBeanManager class that can give you back some of that lost polymorphism. It uses Java reflection facilities to accomplish this.

If you make any useful changes or additions to EJBUtil, please email copies back to the author so that they can be incorporated in the official EJBUtil distribution. Credit for such additions will be retained in the source and the archive.

Click on the archive filename to download EJBUtil.  Source code and JavaDocs are included with this release!         28K               - EJBUtil Version 1.0


WebAccess is targeted at twits and spammers that are abusing e-mail and newsgroups. WebAccess is the first tool available that allows the silent majority of users to fight back. The WebAccess Filter can help "punish" abusers by denying them access to your web site. If enough web sites use WebAccess to block access by twits and ISP's that are the source of a lot of the spam and newsgroup abuse, eventually ISP's will take appropriate action to stem the abuse.

The WebAccess Filter allows you to filter out whole domains from accessing your web site. This is done on an IP Address basis where you control the IP addresses that are blocked from accessing the site. So as not to punish the innocent, you can also add individual userid/password combinations, so that if a user is coming in from a filtered domain, they can still get access to your web site. Additionally, the webmaster can specify they wish to be notified by E-Mail for selected actions taken by the WebAccess filter.

WebAccess consists of the WebAccess Filter, a standalone Java applet that is easy to install on your web site, along with a Java application, WebAccessAdmin, that is used to locally administer the WebAccess Filter configuration data. Installation of WebAccess is simple and easy, and requires no changes to your web site. The WebAccess Filter applet is compatible with Java 1.0.2 and better, and supports all Java-enabled client browsers. Full documentation is provided in the WebAccess archive.

Click on the archive filename to download WebAccess.         36K               - WebAccess Version 2.2

WebAccess Java class files are protected from decompilation with ObfuscatePro from Neil Aggarwal. Chaeron Consulting recommends using ObfuscatePro to protect your investment in Java development. Neil Aggarwal and information about ObfuscatePro can be found on the web at

A more efficient way to filter spam is to have your ISP subscribe to the Mail Abuse Protection System - Realtime Blackhole List.  However, this has to be installed at the ISP server level.  If your ISP is unwilling to do this, or if you want to customize the filtering to include custom entries, then WebAccess is the tool for you, since it allows for customized access control at the individual web site level.

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Last modified on May 3, 2006

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